Thursday, July 30, 2009
Pet Care - Dog
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Madonna biceps photo
Craving Madonna Biceps? An AltUse for anywhere/anytime to strengthen arm muscles -

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Keep your home cool and save money

Monday, July 27, 2009
Tour de France Fan? Love to Bicycle?
It is actually very simple, all you need is a bottle of olive oil (preferably with a pointed tip). Then you go where you keep your bike and position the bottle over the chain and spin the pedals backwards until the chain gone around approx. 2 to 3 times. If it does not seem very lubricated, spin the pedals backwards again until chain seems lubricated. So now instead of your bike smelling like greasy oil, it smells like olive oil! (olive oil also lasts a bit longer)
Remove sweat stains
Crush two aspirin trablets and add to 1/2 cup of warm water. Soak stained part of clothes item in the solution for approximately 2.5 hours.

The food trucks just keep rolling - Los Angeles Times
The food trucks just keep rolling

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Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
AltUse Gets more "Ink" in the Daily Green
Win $50 or $100 for Your Reuse Idea on AltUse
The website about reusing common objects has officially launched.
AltUse has come out of beta with an official launch this week. Tips on the site include how to use hair spray to remove ink stains, vodka to clean your glasses, onions to fuel your car...turn a desktop computer into an aquarium, a satellite dish into a bird bath...
The list of possible reuses is endless, because the site is powered by the people, meaning anyone can logon and post their reuse. It's even easier now, since the site has a nice clean look. The submitting button is more prominent, and the experience is more appealing. AltUse is also branching out onto Facebook, Twitter, Blogger and elsewhere.
How useful the site becomes will largely be determined by how many entries people contribute, and how much community develops around saving money (and reducing waste!) by reusing things. The owners of the site are clearly aware of this, which is why they're launching a contest to help kickoff their big debut.
According to AltUse staff, on July 27th, the site will offer one $50 Visa gift card every day for five days, for the best AltUse submission each day. They'll also offer a $100 AltUse Visa gift card to the user who submits the most AltUses during that five-day period.
Sounds like a fun, easy way to get paid! Check out AltUse and join the creative fun. I gotta think of something to post there myself...
AltUse is Growing!
Our launch continues to receive positive reviews, thank you.
Watch for our 1st promotion next week to further extend our community!
Best regards,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday was a huge day for AltUse - Over 3,500 Visitors
Health & Wellness
tea bags can reduce the swelling of an eye stye
Vinegar kills warts
combating blisters and cracks
Aspirin controls dandruff
Colic, Stomach Ache
Olive Oil
Baking soda to heal athlete's foot
Shiny Leaves with Olive Oil
Protecting plants when cutting and pruning
Make a piñata from old newspaper
Strawberry Facial Mask and Lip Scrub
Environment & Green Living
Ahh, the neverending uses for Vinegar...
Food & Beverage
Make cake pans out of aluminum foil
Keep water out of your picnic basket and keep it cold
Home & Household Items
Old dry paint brushes will be good as new if soaked in vinegar.
Use olive oil to remove sticky gummy adhesive left from price stickers
Use aluminum foil to boost radiator he! at
Tweaking vinegar and water blend
Use baking soda instead of tooth paste
Untangle jewelry
Use Dishwashing Liquid to remove lipstick stains
Crushed aspirin removes perspiration stains
Olive Oil used by midwife
Use toothpaste to clean tarnished silver jewelry
How to lubricate your bike chain without the use of dirty, smelly oils
Pet Care
Olive Oil for Dogs with Persistent Itch
Monday, July 20, 2009 - The World's Largest Collection of Alternative Uses of Everyday Products
Friends and Family,
I’d like to direct your attention to my awesome new green start-up launching today – I have been working for the last year getting it ready for take-off. is the ultimate destination for everything Alternative Use. Want a few examples? Using hair spray to remove ink stains, vodka to clean your glasses, onions to fuel your car… turning a desktop computer into an aquarium, a satellite dish into a bird bath… or weaving plastic bags into very cool storage containers. The list is endless.
You can search for an AltUse, post your own, vote for your favorites, share with your friends. Bottom line, the site will help you keep more in your wallets and send less to landfill. It goes a long way toward providing a very necessary platform for all of us to teach each other how to turn less into more.
Please check it out, join the community, post an AltUse if you have one, and SEND IT VIRAL.
Thanks very much,
Sunday, July 19, 2009
AltUse Re-Launch
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Onions produce tears and energy at an Oxnard plant - Los Angeles Times

Read about an AltUse for Onions (Onions for fuel)
A farming company uses juice from the vegetable to run a fuel cell. It's one of a growing number of businesses that use their waste to produce electricity.
By Tiffany Hsu
July 17, 2009
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009
AltUse Featured Today on NC's Morning News with Scott Fitzgerald

Monday, July 13, 2009
Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson:
Is free the future?
by Malcolm Gladwell
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Monday, July 6, 2009
Crowdsourcing: Consumers as Creators